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Shay’s Story

Shay’s family visited the Cotswolds in October 2024.

During May this year Shay was complaining of aching legs to the point he felt he couldn't play for his football team anymore because of the pain, he also became very lethargic and would no longer go out on his bike with his friends or play basketball.

One Friday he was sent home from school with a rash that had appeared so I booked him for an emergency GP appointment. The GP told us not to worry as was most likely just a viral rash and shin splints in his legs from sports but something just didnt feel right.

On the Saturday I took him to my local A&E little did we know by the end of the day our lives would change! We were told his bloods suggested some type of leukemia and was bluelighted to Birmingham Childrens Hospital.

Sunday morning he deteriorated very quickly. After more bloods, a bone marrow aspiration and lumbar puncture we was told he has ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia).

He is still currently undergoing a long treatment plan but remains happy and positive.

We are hoping this weekend away at Bens retreat will give him some much needed rest and family time before his next lot of treatment.

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