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Alex's Story

Alex's family visited the Lodge in May 2024.

Alex was a healthy 15 year old boy until the devastating news we received in March 2023.

He had been complaining of his shoulder/arm hurting/aching towards the end of 2022 but other than that he was healthy and we had no concerns, we thought he had just pulled a muscle or something!

At the start of 2023 his right arm started to swell, he saw the doctor and they had no idea what was wrong so we took him to Birmingham children’s hospital A&E, where he had scans etc

We saw a doctor when the results had come back and unfortunately he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and it had spread to his lungs, from that moment on our lives were turned upside down 💔

Alex started chemo at b’ham children’s hospital ASAP and had about 6 rounds of chemo, luckily the chemo worked well as far as we knew, his arm reduced massively in size and the tumours in his lungs were dead.

In December Alex had surgery to remove the tumour from his shoulder but unfortunately they had found another tumour whilst doing the surgery! we were told when he’s recovered from his shoulder surgery they would remove the other tumour they found.

Alex had an MRI a few months back and we got the unfortunate news that there were still some cells in his arm… there is nothing they can do to get rid of this, so Alex will be on some chemo tablets that stop the cells from spreading for the rest of his life for as long as they work for him 💔

We are now focusing on keeping him as comfortable and pain free as possible and making as many memories as we can ❤️

We are very much looking forward to our stay with BSF in a few weeks 💙💙

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