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Isobel’s Story

Isobel's family visited Ben's Retreat in March 2024.

Isobel’s story started last year when she noticed a lump in her throat. The GP wasn’t overly concerned but referred her for an ultrasound just to double check.

The ultrasound confirmed a lump on her thyroid, so she had a fine needle biopsy which was suspicious, but not diagnostic of thyroid cancer.

The next stage was removing half of her thyroid in September 2023. The surgery was 12 days before she planned to move 150 miles away to university.

The devastating diagnosis of thyroid cancer came the following week. Isobel was determined to continue with her plans to go university so we drove her to university 5 days after her diagnosis.

Her first few months at university was filled with disruption as she returned for a completion thyroidectomy followed by radioactive iodine in the new year.

She completed her university exams online at home during treatment and has continued with her studies alongside cancer treatment.

The numerous hospital visits and cancer treatment have taken its toll on her and the family so we are very much looking forward to a break!

Thank you to everyone at BSF for your generosity to our family at a time when we needed it most. Xx

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