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Maisy's Story

Maisy's family visited the Cotswolds in May 2024.

Maisy was just 15 when she had a small lump growing on her wrist. She went to the doctor who examined and believed it to be a cyst. She was then put on a waiting list to have this surgically removed.

Over 2 years the lump slowly grew and just as it was becoming painful for her, her surgery date was finally scheduled.

This was removed in September of 2023 when she was 17, and immediately sent for biopsy as it was clearly not a cyst.

In October of 2023 we were called back for a consultation and we were told that Maisy had Myxoid Liposarcoma. Which is cancer of the fat cells. It was explained that at the moment this is quite a rare cancer.

Maisy luckily managed to avoid having chemotherapy, as the lump had already been removed. However she was scheduled for daily radiotherapy sessions for 7 weeks which began in November and over Christmas. Maisy was homeschooling during this time as she was not well enough to go to college.

Maisy completed Radiotherapy in January and then struggled with the radiotherapy burns she received for several weeks following

In February of 2024, Maisy had MRI and CT scans and returned back to college whilst waiting for the results to see if she needed further treatment.

In April of 2024, Maisy was given the all clear and for the time being has to have 3 monthly MRI and CT scans to monitor.

We have been incredibly lucky throughout our journey. We were lucky to avoid chemotherapy, we were lucky to live just 10 minutes from the hospital.

We are lucky that after one round of radiotherapy, her treatment has come to an end.

The entire experience has made us closer as a family and we prioritise time with each other above and beyond what we did before.

Thank you to BSF we are really looking forward to our weekend away.

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