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Shelly's Story

Shelly and her family visited the Cotswolds from April 10th

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"We are a foster family and we were told of a little tiny boy who had had major heart surgery on April 2022 weighing just 5lb and 12 weeks old.

We met him and fell in love very quickly.
He came to us with a few medical problems all which we thought we could manage including a feeding tube m.

He had been with us 6 weeks when our world was turned upside down. I discovered a swelling in his tummy and after arguing with a doctor we got sent to our local hospital, his blood levels were so low he nearly went into cardiac arrest.

After 24 hours we were told he had a heptoblastoma cancer and we were rushed to a bigger hospital. At that point life came crashing down when he was rushed to picu and ventilated we were told he would not make it through the night and to say goodbye.

We were also saying goodbye to another Foster son the next morning who was leaving for reunification so I was losing 2 boys in 24hrs. The days were a bit blurry from there and he spent 3 weeks ventilated with little hope, he had an operation to have the tumour embolised.

He was taken of the ventalator and to everyone surprise he started chemo and then the decision was to operate or go palative care.

The consultant decided to give him a chance he went through 9 rounds of chemo then they removed his tumour half his liver and gallbladder and again he surprised everyone.

He has many medical needs but he has had his last round of chemo and so far he's in remission. I can't be prouder of him. He missed out on so much of his first year but this get away is just what we all need. I cannot thank everyone at Ben Saunders Foundation enough."

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